Composte is a way to collaborate on sheet music in real time. Work on a score and your edits will make their way to your friends and colleagues as you make them.
Composte was born as a term project in COMP 50CP (Concurrent Programming) at Tufts University in the Fall of 2017. While it was conceived as an actual useful application, a production-ready application is still a long way out.
We set out to build an application that we could see both ourselves and other people using. We completely and utterly failed to anticipate the complexity of building such a system, and appropriately failed to rise to the occasion in time.
Composte offers a tantalizing set of features:
Composte is probably free to use. We're not really sure yet, so we'll get back to you if and when we figure it all out!
We are Export By Email, a group of Tufts students who may have bitten off more than we can chew.